Chakra Centers Creative Guide: Harness Your Chi Through Creativity
Many folks are talking about the benefits of working with the chakras for self healing, inner growth and evolution.
Chances are that you've heard about the chakras, but how well do you really understand your own internal subtle energy system?
This 32 page illustrated activity book is a template to explore the Central Channel and Chakras from both Yogic and Traditional Chinese Medicine schools of thought. The book includes essential information about each energy center, chakra symbols, coloring pages, meditations, and journal topics.
Chakra Centers Creative Guide 32 page PDF includes:
• 22 original illustrations of the subtle body anatomy of the sushmna nadi, dan tien, and 7 main chakras including the symbol for each chakra.
• Concise original writing about the function of the chakras, dantien and lymbic system.
• Exercises for grounding and cultivation of pranic and qi energy.
• Gender neutral human figure illustrations by artist Legan Rooster.
• PDF allows printing pages multiple times to work with different medias.
Videos for ideas on using this book at @inthebright on IG.
32 page PDF Chakra Centers Creative Guide